ENT-NF Foundation
Please Donate and Help Us Achieve Our 2024 Fundraising Goal
The ENT-NF is supported entirely by voluntary contributions and all donations are tax-deductible. Your contributions are an investment in the future of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck health care.
Your contributions will support the ongoing education and research of Otorhinolaryngology Head-Neck nursing by supporting the following commitments of the ENT-NF.

Ear, Nose and Throat Nursing Foundation (ENT-NF)Leadership
President Maria Colandrea, DNP NP-C CORLN FAANP FFNMRCSI
Immediate Past President Vinciya Pandian, PhD, MBA, MSN, ACNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, FFNMRCSI, FCCM
Vice President Wendy Lord Mackey, DNP, APRN-BC, CORLN
Secretary Lucille Kingston, RN, PNP, CORLN
Treasurer Lisa Lever, BSN, RN, CORLN
Board of Directors Sharon Jamison, VR-RN, BSN, CORN (E) Cindy Dawson, MSN, RN, CORLN Hope Andresen, RN, CORLN(E)